Wednesday 16 January 2013

Preliminary Task Evaluation

Preliminary Task Evaluation

Quality of Summary
  1. Quality of holding a shot steady
  2. Quality of the framing shots
  3. Quality of shooting material appropriate to the task set- i.e. the content of your film pre and post editing was consistent with the exam directives
  4. Quality of selecting mise-en-scene (colour, lighting, figure, objects and setting)
  5. Quality of editing so that meaning is apparent to the viewer
  6. Quality of using sound with images and editing appropriately for the task set
  7. Quality of positioning and movements of actors
  8. Quality of group planning, meeting targets and organisation
  9. Group dynamics i.e how did your group work together
  10. Other points of evaluation (e.g equipment related etc)
Honest Evaluation and Strategies to make Real movie better
  1. At some points are camera skills were shaky and wobbly. Use of the tripod is needed next time.
  2. Overall we had some good variety and quality of shots but our use of focus was unsuccessful as we failed to bring focus to the character. We need to practise this kind of shot more before attempting it in the real project
     3. Some of our shots are really good quality and we were able to use right away however some we    had to film multiple times and even with editing were still not good when put up against we had to do, so next time we need to follow the script and storyboard more strictly.

   4. Overall our use of miss en scene was quite poor as we failed to use white balance and our costumes did not match the role we were playing, we had many problems with the props such as the toilet that wouldn't flush and the quality of the lights. A better choice of setting or basic idea on how to use white balance is necessary next time

   5. Our editing was quite flawed also as most of our editing failed to get our point across such as our transition from a group dancing to a confused character. next time we should use better transitions and spend more time on its editing

6. Our use of sound was okay but in need of improvement as we got all the sounds we needed but not all of them were easy to hear, next time enhancing sound at that scene would be best

7.Our actors worked well as they did everything as planned, it was more or less the recording of the actors that didn't work out so well, it would be best to use a tripod to its best abilities next time

8.Our organisation was the worst as we only got together once and we did not have much time to film, next time planning out our time better would be advised

9.Our group works together quite well as our previous projects have been much better and received much more applause, next time we should try to do something we can all agree on

10. We did not have all the props we originally wanted to use as one of our actors had been ill, next time we should be ready to adapt.

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